Writing Samples
Below you’ll find a few of my favorite writing samples. If you don’t find what you’re looking for here, please feel free to reach out. I have other samples available upon request.
The Inn Between
The small-town high-fantasy pilot about a man solving the murder of his best friend and doing his best not to start a war in the process.
This is my 2014 Final Draft Big Break award winning feature about an almost-teen boy who gets jealous of his friend’s bar mitzvah and decides he’s going to prove he’s a man by running a half marathon. It has nothing to do with Al Roker, this picture just made me laugh.
Ducktales! Spec
My DuckTales episode is about Scrooge losing his glasses and enlisting the kids to seek them out in the Labyrinth of Lost Things. I include it here because it’s probably my wife’s favorite piece of writing I’ve ever done, and she has exceptional taste, so it must be okay. If you don’t read it, at least consider listening to the show’s theme song. It rocks.